Thursday, 28 November 2019


Charlie is joined by Matt Stubbs on guitar, June Core on drums and with Mike Phillips playing bass an the four provide us some great blues done up right. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. National acts come through from time to time, and they are not to be missed. It is secular spiritual music, the gospel blues. Too many people think of the blues as sad, but I think many of these tunes will immediately dispel that notion, as they are fun, dancing tunes that lift your spirits. But Stubbs big guitar solo is also right up there. charlie musselwhite juke joint chapel

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I repeat, what is there here not to like? The first thing that will hit you in the Juke Joint Chapel itself is the art. Charlie is joined by Matt Stubbs on guitar, June Core on drums and with Mike Phillips playing bass an the four provide us some great blues done up right. I mussewlhite say more, but let it suffice to say you need to get this CD.

Check here to find out which ones stir you too, and here to reserve your shack sorta like a suite at the Shack Up Inn. Stubbs is more than ample in support, too.

charlie musselwhite juke joint chapel

Charlie growls out on the opening track and lays down some heavy harp. It is secular spiritual music, the gospel blues. Even walking the grounds of this former cotton gin is an historic treat.

The Juke Joint Chapel - OFFICIAL: Clarksdale Information Site

The next five tracks are all Musselwhite songs. There is a consistent array of workshops hosted in the Chapel, including guitar and bass camps, songwriting workshops, a harmonica camp and more.

Only three miles from the legendary Highway 49 and 61 Hoint, Shack Up Inn guests and Juke Joint Chapel devotees can immerse themselves in the living history found in this authentic blues destination.

The Juke Joint Chapel.

charlie musselwhite juke joint chapel

It empowers you to keep going. The Juke Joint Chapel is grand inside.

The Juke Joint Chapel

National acts come through from time to time, and they are not to be missed. You never know joont you might see having a religious musical experience at the Chapel. Daily Updates Straight to your inbox — never miss a thing! Stubbs takes an extended solo and delivers the goods, too.

What is not to like here? But Stubbs big guitar solo is also right up there.

Charlie Musselwhite, Juke Joint Chapel (Henrietta Records)

Please follow and like us: Among notable others who have graced the Chapel stage are: I often tell people that the blues is your buddy in good times and your comforter in bad times. Stripped down, basic blues delivered live by one of the top harp players in the world. Too many people think of the blues as sad, but I think many of these tunes will immediately dispel that notion, as they are fun, dancing tunes that lift your spirits.

This is a great effort. Do yo have your own bottle tree, yet? This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

charlie musselwhite juke joint chapel

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